Gå fort - Lev länge / run run and live longer (forums.petrisimolin.com) |
Forskarna följde 35 000 män och kvinnor i tio år. Måste ha varit svettigt för de stackars forskarna att springa efter så många människor så länge. Eller kanske man har koncentrerat studien till någon gågata?
Walking Street Pattaya Thailand (virtualtourist.com) |
Kunde ju vara ett jobb för jultomten, han är ju ändå arbetslös största delen av året och har koll på var snälla och elaka barn bor. Han har säkert koll på föräldrarnas bukomfång också.
Run baby run så lever du länge och spring undan jultomten, ursäkta skattmasen så kommer du också undan fettoskatten.
Blivande åldringar / They will live long? (www.funnybaby.ws) |
Now it is scientifically proven, can you survive one more ... and it has really good speed, maybe you will survive. In an article in today's Aftonbladet reported on a U.S. research report has found that older people who are quick, almost 90 percent chance to live ten years extra. Those who are slow, only just over 20 percent chance to live as long.
Researchers followed 35 000 men and women for ten years. Must have been hot for the poor scientists to run after so many people for so long. Or perhaps we have concentrated study of a pedestrian?
For now the one leading politician come up with the idea that the taxman must travel around the country and kingdom, and collect a new tax Fetto. The brilliant idea is said to have arrived in under a palm tree in Thailand after a fairly måtlig ingestion of the local beer Singha.
Could well be a job for Santa Claus, he is still unemployed most of the year and has an eye on were kind and wicked children live. He certainly has an eye on their parents' bukomfång also.
Run Baby Run you live long and run away Santa Claus, excuse the taxman, you will also exempt Fetto tax.
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