Mjukisman = dålig sex / Soft man = Bad sex |
Sexikon som inte orkar med sex - Sexikon but no power for sex |
Om påståendena ovan stämmer vet vi inte men sex säljer, det är bevisat :)
50/50 hushållsarbete = bra sex - 50/50 housework = good sex |
Aftonbladet has an interesting opinion piece which claims that gender equality is abandoned because it of eroticize our lives. How sexy is soft man who wants to be a mother and career woman who wants to be a man?
Housewife is no longer the Great Satan, but a sexy lifestyle icon, is another quote from the article. If Swedish people are abandoning 50/50 gender equality, it will lead to disaster. Those who hold to the mathematical 50/50 rule has more and better sex.
If the statements above is true we do not know, but sex sells, it is proven :)
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