Utveckling - Development |
Man räknar med att tusentals lärare kommer att bli anmälda varje år. Vad kommer då straffet för undermåliga lärare att bli? Så långt har man inte hunnit tänka än, "det måste ju prövas i varje enskilt fall så vi får en rättspraxis" säger man på Skolinspektionen.
Mr Johan och pappa Göran önskar alla lärare en trevlig skolstart om några veckor!
En vanlig skoldag någonstans - A typical school day somewhere |
There will be order in the school and it is the teachers who fall under the microscope. Bad teachers should not have teacher registration. "The Schools Inspectorate can now parents, pupils, employers and colleagues - or in fact anyone - to notify teachers and preschool teachers as they deem not up to scratch" writes DN.
It is estimated that thousands of teachers will be notified each year. What will the penalty for substandard teachers to become? So far it has not had time to think yet, "there must be assessed in each case, so we have a law," said one of the Schools Inspectorate.
Mr. John and George's father wishes all teachers a nice school starts in a few weeks!
Dåliga före detta lärare - Poor former teachers |
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