Ville Haapasalo, John (ryska Вилле Хаапасало), (född 28 feb 1972 Hollola) [1] är en finländsk skådespelare. Han är Rysslands mest kända finska skådespelare och skådespelerskor.
Även en "bondpojke" kan bli lika beröm som Tom Cruise... Ville valde Ryssland och han valde rätt :)
In engrish by Google Translate,
Ville Haapasalo, John (Russian Вилле Хаапасало), (born February 28, 1972 Hollola) [1] is a Finnish actor. He is Russia's most famous Finnish actors and actresses.
Even a "farm boy" can be as commendable as Tom Cruise ... Russia wanted to chose and he chose the right:)
Ville Haapasalo, John (Russian Вилле Хаапасало), (born February 28, 1972 Hollola) [1] is a Finnish actor. He is Russia's most famous Finnish actors and actresses.
Even a "farm boy" can be as commendable as Tom Cruise ... Russia wanted to chose and he chose the right:)
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