torsdag 24 februari 2011

Job coach

Det har varit debatt om hur effektiva jobbcoacher är, hjälper de verkligen arbetslösa att få ett nytt jobb? Vissa påstår att de gör nytta andra igen att det har visat sig att de som haft jobbcoach haft svårare att få jobb än de som inte haft det.

Är de bluffmakare eller ärliga yrkesutövare? Vi har i alla fall bara haft goda erfarenheter och vill dela med oss av dem via videon ovan.

In engrish:

There has been debate about the efficiency job coaches are, really helps the unemployed to get a new job? Some claim that they do benefit others again that it has been shown that those who had a job coach had a harder time finding jobs than those who did not have it.

Are they scammers or honest professionals? We have in all cases only had good experiences and want to share them via the video above.

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